Wednesday, September 8, 2010

My 38 Week Appointment

I am 38 weeks and 4 days pregnant (a week and a day more pregnant than I was with Sophie when I had her). I don't think I would be as anxious if I hadn't gone early with her, but those of you who know me know that I'm not the most patient person in the world. Mom and Sophie came to the appointment with me. I had planned on them staying in the waiting room since Sophie hasn't done so well in the past. When I told Sophie we were going to the Dr. she said..."Dr Scott and heartbeat" so I had a hard time not letting her come hear Sutton's heartbeat. We had talked about Dr. Scott and the heartbeat a lot when Tara went the appointment with us and then she watched the little video on the blog a was pretty cute that she remembered. She did much better this time (Grandmama prepared her and gave her the paci before she even started crying). 
I gained 3lbs this week (the pattern has been lose 1lb, gain 3lbs, lose a 1lb, gain 3lbs. So I have gained 4lbs in the past 4 weeks. It wasn't a big surprise knowing how much I have eaten over the weekend and desserts I have had! Anyway...just at 25lbs total so all is good. I have progressed and dilated to what she called a loose 2. I am pretty sure that is what I was when I went in to have Sophie. She still seems to think I might not make it to Monday, but if I do then we have to be at the hospital at 5:30am. She says she will be around to break my water around 7 or 7:30am and we will go from there. 
Chad and I had talked about the induction this morning and I had said that I didn't want to be induced if she didn't think I was ready or if I wasn't dilating more than last week. Dr. Scott was very encouraging and said that she wouldn't do it if she didn't think I was ready, but said I should do fine and that my cervix is ready. 
We went to Cool Springs Mall after the appointment. We had shopped yesterday afternoon at The Avenue and they were holding a shirt in Sutton's size at Gymboree in CS. I will say that I'm not feeling that great right now. My back is hurting and I'm pretty crampy. Mom tried to take me back to the hospital before we headed home, but I assured her they would just send me home. I'm not having contractions (I don't think) but definitely not feeling great. Could just be from the exam. Will keep y'all updated!

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