Friday, April 9, 2010

17 Weeks Pregnant

I'm going into my 17th week of pregnancy and am happy to say that I didn't get sick this past week. Hopefully I am past that point - I can tell I am not nauseous everyday like I was before. 
We find out what we are having in two weeks...I can't wait! I will say that I think it is another girl. I just got that feeling this week. The heartbeat was in the 150's and then I noticed I'm not having to shave my legs as often (something that happened when I was pregnant with Sophie). Uncle Michael also predicts that I'm having a girl and he has a 100% record so far. We will see if he keeps it up!
Oh...I think I have felt the baby move. It isn't much so I have to really be paying attention, so I'm not really sure yet. I'm ready to feel the kicks on a regular basis.

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