As you can see, Sophie is into everything these days. She is getting more and more personality and is becoming a little opinionated at times (big surprise). A couple of new things this month are her dancing, singing (hard to explain, but she know what she is doing), praying, just having the paci at night and nap time. She is jibber jabbering a lot more without the paci in her mouth all the time. She is cute when we say that we are going to pray...I love her little hands put together:) She is really big on saying "uh oh"...loves to drop stuff just so that she can say it. She likes to imitate her cousin Nathaniel's expression. All I have to do is say his name and she makes the face...too cute. She is continuing to feed herself more and more...can be messy but guess we have to let her learn. I'm sure there is a lot more I'm not thinking of, but you get the point.
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