Friday, December 3, 2010


So the last thing I wrote I was recovering from the umbilical hernia surgery and it was a lot more painful than I had expected. With that being said, I didn't take the pain medicine that often b/c i felt like it didn't even help and just made me feel so tired and out of it. I did start to see a light at the end of the tunnel on Tuesday of last week when I could finally get off the couch on my own and walk around with a little more ease. Chad tried to help me with a bath that night and I laughed and then cried because that hurt so bad. The next morning I got a little choked on my cereal and had to cough and the same unbearable pain (which was normal for this recovery). Needless to say, I was avoiding laughing and coughing.

Wednesday Ginger took me and the kids to Eagleville after lunch and Amanda washed my hair at the beauty shop. We went to the Thanksgiving service at our church that night and I thought I did really well to make it out (Chad now tells me I was out of it). Anyway...I had noticed a congestion sound in my upper right chest when I would breathe.

Thanksgiving was also Chad's 30th Birthday and a very busy day with family. I slept on the couch most of the morning while he cooked and then we went to Amber's for lunch and Granny's for dinner. I felt horrible all day, like I was running a fever (but never took my temp). That night when we got home it was at 100.04 (according to Sophie's digital thermometer that I don't really trust). I took a pain pill that night and my fever broke during the night (the pills have tylenol).

Friday morning Mom came over to help me with the kids and I called the surgeon's office. They were closed but I left message with the answering service. Long story short I didn't hear back from doctor on call (not mine) until about 12:30pm. At that point he told me to go to ER to have chest xray and check for pneumonia...not what I expected. Sophie was at Ginger's and Mom and Dad were with me and Sutton so Dad took me to ER and mom stayed with Sutton. Poor Dad and his plan of watching football all day!

My fever was 103.5 when I went through triage and she said that puts me at the top of the list, but there was still a wait for a bed. I got back close to 4pm and they worked quickly with hooking me up to IV, taking blood and doing a chest xray. It wasn't long before they diagnosed me with pneumonia and said I needed to stay the night. That night ended up being 3 nights since my fever would never stay down. It was never below 100 on Saturday and I was taking tylenol and motrin as often as I could. I finally got to come home on Monday and left the hospital around 4pm. I will write more in another post and fill in some of the gaps with pictures and things my kids were doing. I haven't felt like writing or being on the computer since I've been home, but I realize it has been a while since I posted anything.

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