Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Aunt Tara Comes to Visit

 Tara came to visit for a few days after Christmas. She is working on a PhD in psychology in LA and had gone back to NY for Christmas with her family so she was actually flying out of NYC. The huge snowstorm delayed her visit a few days and instead of getting in at 5pm on Monday she finally got her 11am on Wednesday. Her flight back was originally Wednesday at 3:30pm, but luckily she was able to change it to Friday around lunch. This was the first time Tara got to meet Sutton and Sophie was loving all the attention she got.

 We went straight from the airport to my doctor's appointment in Franklin to follow up on the hernia repair. Everything is healing well and I was released to pick up things over 15lbs. Tara entertained the kids in the waiting room while I was in for the appointment.
We met up with Amber, Karlee and Katelyn at Bishops in Cool Springs. My parents were in East Tennessee and I was in no shape to be cooking a big southern meal so this was the next best thing. We had a great meal and as always everything was delicious! We had a fairly tame meal considering the kids out numbered the adults (which is always a little scary).

Sutton got some good snuggle time in with Aunt Tara when Sophie didn't dominate her time

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