Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Welcome Baby Wyatt!!!

Amanda went for her 37 week appointment Wednesday morning and ended up getting admitted and labor induced. I was in Mt Juliet and Mom had Sophie at Amber's when I found out she was going being induced. I quickly left and headed toward the hospital. Aunt Joyce had already gotten there and I got to spend some time with her before she got the epidural. Once that was finished everyone else started arriving and before we knew it she was ready to push. Wyatt was born that evening after a quick labor and delivery. Amanda was a rockstar! Wyatt was 6lbs 8ozs and absolutely adorable with a head full of hair! We went in to see him quickly after he was born and then headed to Murfreesboro to meet up for Mammy's birthday celebration. Thank goodness we didn't stay long and Sophie and I weren't close to Wyatt because Sophie got sick that night with some type of stomach bug.

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