She weighs about 20lbs (lost a little when she was sick during Christmas, but I think she is almost there). I don't know how long she is because I can't keep her still long enough to measure, but I know she has gotten taller. She can reach things on the kitchen table and open the top drawers in the kitchen now.
She talking quiet a bit. Not as much as Karlee or as clear, but she has her own way of saying things and she understands a lot more than I realized. She says Mama, Dada, Nanny, Grandpa and Eliza. She doesn't exactly say Grandmama and Grandaddy, but has her "signs" for them. Grandmama coughs and say "egh" (sp?) meaning no don't do that and Grandaddy does the indian call with his hand over his mouth. Everytime I start to talk on my cell phone she starts the indian call thinking I'm calling Grandaddy. She definitely knows when I start talking about Karlee and Grant and motions with her little hands to "come here". She has a lot of "b" words - bath, bottle, balloon, belly button - they all kind of sound alike, but I know what she means. She also says duck, puffs and her own version of cheese. She also says yes and no and shakes her head accordingly. Unfortunately we hear no more often. I told Chad I don't like that she tells me no and he reminded me that I don't like for anyone to tell me no (he's right). At least she knows how to express herself and doesn't just cry all the time. Not saying she doesn't pitch some fits, but luckily they happen at home and not out in public that often. She has a very strong personality and we are just trying to be consistent and stop it before it gets out of control. She is really a great kid and we get compliments all the time on how happy she is and how well behaved. She just loves attention and waves and smiles at everyone when we are in public. Don't know where she gets this:)

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