Saturday, May 26, 2012

Trey's 3rd Birthday Party - Mickey Pool Party

 While Chad worked on the Johns wedding, I took the kids to Trey's Birthday party at Carrie's mom's house on the river in McMinnville. Mom road with me and helped out since it is kind of hard to watch two toddlers with a pool and a river near by! We were surprised by our good friends, Kevin and Candace who came down with their 6 month old, Parker. It was the first time we had met him and he was soooo adorable. The kids and I stayed away b/c Sophie had thrown up the night before and we weren't sure if she had a stomach bug or just a one time thing. We weren't even sure that we would be going to the party that morning, but she made it through the morning without getting sick so we figured we could take a chance.

 We had a great time and the kids loved the Mickey theme. They looked so cute in their ears:)

Absolutely love this one...they were all about the cake and I took the opportunity to snap a picture of them from behind before running to make sure they didn't have fingers all in the icing:)

With "Papaw" watching the boats go by

Our "babies" are growing up fast!

This picture was a bit of a challenge (as you can see). It is not easy to hold two kids and get them to all look! It is funny how much things have changed in 8 years since we were in Cancun for Kevin and Candace's wedding:)

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