Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Sophie's 4 month sleep regression

This was what I found when Chad went to put Sophie to sleep and I didn't hear them for awhile on the monitor. He had fallen asleep while rocking her. This would be a good time to mention that Sophie has not been sleeping as well during the past few weeks. She was sleeping from about 10pm to 5:30-6am. Now she has gotten on a routine of waking up between 2 and 4am to eat and still waking up again around 5:30am. This is not so fun, but not sure how we are going to get her back to normal. Alli sent me a link to a blog posting about the 4 month sleep regression. Apparently this happens around 4 and 9 months. I'm ready for this phase to end.

We did get a video monitor in the mail this past weekend and have been sleeping downstairs in our bed since Sunday night. It is nice to be back in our bed. Now if we could just get her to sleep through the night again!

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