Thursday, November 5, 2009

The Steroids Made Me Do It....

Chad and I took Sophie to her 1 year check up. She wasn't able to get her shots since she was still wheezing. Dr. Bigham put her on a steroid for three days to clear up the inflammation. Other than the wheezing, everything was fine. She weighed 18lbs and 4 ozs (still not enough to ride in her new car seat facing forward. She as still about the same height. She was in the 10th percentile for weight and about 25th for height and a little above average for head. Sophie was so good at the doctor's office and he was surprised at how easily she went to him. 

I joked that when Sophie started making this mess with the toilet paper that the steroids made her do it. Don't worry...I found her before it got this bad, but it was kind of cute and she wasn't eating it our anything.

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