Sunday, October 10, 2010

Sutton's 4th Week at Church

We had 95 people at church on Sunday. Might not sound like a lot, but for our small church, this was a good turnout. It was great to see so many people! Sutton made it through the service and we kept him satisfied with the paci in the end since it was a little past his feeding time and we wanted to make it to Granny's first. Sutton doesn't really take a paci often (nothing compared to Sophie's dependancy even early on).
We had lunch at Granny's and headed home to try and rest. Sophie actually napped on the couch for a couple of hours and then I took her to the grocery store with me that evening. She always went to the store with me during the day when it was just the two of us, but now I still take her when I leave Sutton with Chad. It is a fun time for us to spend together. She is so entertaining in the store and I love that she can pretty much tell me everything we are going to get (we stick to the basics every week). 

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