Sophie is very vocal these days and repeats everything. She can recognize almost all her letters (we have them in the bath tub and work on them then). She still gets a few mixed up - calls an S a C, and E is F, X is K, T is I. She can count to 10 pretty good now and has started counting some things correctly...like when I ask how many there are of something (not always right though).
Sophie is really cute with Sutton. She will come up to him and say "hey Sutt...hi buddy." You would just have to hear it b/c it is so cute the way she changes her tone of voice when she says hi buddy. The other day he had some spit on his mouth and she runs to the bedroom and got one of his outfits out of the dirty clothes (one thing she can get to) and came back to wipe his mouth saying "its ok." She is very worried about him when he cries and wants me to take care of him so he doesn't cry.
The cutest thing she has done in the just the past few days was praying on her own. I will have to admit I'm not as consistent with praying at breakfast or lunch since I am usually not sitting beside her eating like Chad and I do at night. I have to use that time to unload the dishwasher or fix my food. Anyway...she has her hands together and says "thank you mama, daddy, sutt and sophie...amen." I didn't even prompt her to pray. I started tearing up when I told Chad. That night we let her pray at dinner and she said "God is great. God is good. Thank you for food. Amen" in the sweetest little voice. We have always said the prayer she had never said it along with us so it surprised us that she recalled it from memory. We praised her and of course she said it a few more times after that.
Oh...another thing she is doing now is saying her name. It is just too cute to hear her say Sophie Jo Lamb although when mom asked her what her name was the other night she said "Karlee."
I can't believe how fast Sophie is growing up and understanding what is going on around her. She amazes me everyday!
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