I can't say that I have been very good at keeping him on a consistent schedule. I try to feed him every 3 hours, but some days I end up feeding him every 2 hours. He naps on and off all day, but still not anything consistent. Most of the time I have him in the boppy seat wherever I am doing something and Sophie usually wakes him up before he completes his nap. His night time routine varies and some nights are better than others. Chad likes to hold him on the couch at night once Sophie is in the bed since he doesn't get to see him all day. This usually results in them both falling asleep on the couch until I wake them up to feed Sutton for the last time or Sutton wakes him up and he brings him to me in the bed to feed him. Either way, it isn't really the best plan for getting him to sleep through the night I'm sure.
Sutton has had good head control since he was born. He is very strong and can get himself in some positions when I just sit him in the boppy without strapping him in. I think he could push himself out if he had the chance. He is very alert and follows whoever is talking to him. I think he is such a "pretty" boy if that is okay to say. While he does remind me a lot of Sophie, he definitely has his own look. Time is just flying by and he is growing up so fast. I just hope that I can get a little more disciplined and follow Babywise more closely like I did with Sophie.

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