I can't believe how much Sophie has grown up just in the past month and a half. Her vocabulary is increasing everyday...I can't even keep up with the new words. One thing I have noticed this month is that she is very aware of where we are going and will start talking about "Grandmama's house" when we are getting off the exit. If we pass Nanny and Grandpa's house on the way somewhere else she knows. She is also starting to use animal names instead of just their sounds. It helps that Amber has taken her and Karlee to the zoo a couple of times recently. Sophie continues to use her good manners and says "thank you (and your name if knows it)" when you compliment her or if you give her something. I continually work on her not whining. She knows when I say don't whine that she says "please", but the whining still happens first with certain requests...like Mickey, paci or milk. She still loves Mickey Mouse Clubhouse...I really think she could watch it all day if I let her!
There are lots more things that she is doing that I can't even remember right now...blame it on the baby brain:)
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