If you come tonight or tomorrow you will also be able to meet Aunt Joan and cousin Devee because they will be in town. Grandaddy has to be in Colorado on Monday morning (and has to drive) so you are about to wait too long so that he isn't there when you are born:(
I thought for sure I would go into labor last night. I was definitely feeling worse. Lots of contractions (probably braxton hicks) but they weren't consistent or getting stronger. I also had a lot of lower back pain and felt like you were about to fall out. I went to bed and then in typical Jodi style had no trouble sleeping. Today Aunt Amber brought Karlee and Katelyn over to play. Aunt Morgan and Grandmama also came over and kept Sophie entertained so I could rest. Guess you are just going to hold out till Monday now. Tomorrow isn't the best date to have as a birthday 9/11 was a very significant date in our history. At this point I just want you to be healthy and arrive when you are ready. I am getting a little nervous about how big you might be based on the size of my stomach, but you do make a good desk for writing thank you notes (see the last picture).

Any day now I am sure.
My beautiful daughter,when I looked at you writing thank you notes.I though it was a picture of me,when I was 30.JUST SAYING!!!
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