We stayed in the house all afternoon and night since it was raining so much. We got on skype that night to see if Aunt Alli was up (13 hour difference in Singapore) and on Skype yet. It was her birthday (at least in Singapore it was already) and we wanted to wish her a Happy Birthday!! While we waited for her to get on we talked to Aunt Amber and Karlee and Grandmama and Grandaddy. Sophie loves the interaction and it is so cute to see Sophie and Karlee getting to communicate this way. Karlee keeps asking.."where did Sophie go?" whenever Sophie would run off to do something else. I had to keep the computer facing her so Karlee could see her:)
We got to sing Happy Birthday and talk to Alli for a while before she had to get ready for church (and Sophie had to go to bed). By the way - Sophie is in her diaper most nights after dinner because she thinks it is time for bed as soon as we put her pajamas on so we have to wait for that till we are ready to put her to bed.

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