Aunt Elizabeth came by that morning and saved the day by getting her paci out of the toaster. She decided that would be a good idea (don't worry it wasn't plugged in when she put it in there). Luckily she told me it was in there before I put her waffle in...that could have been a disaster.
Sophie, Sutton and I went to Bounce U for their toddler bounce time (no one else was able to meet us there but we had a great time anyway). There were only two other kids there so we pretty much had the place to ourselves. Sophie loved it and didn't stop for an hour and 15 minutes. The slide she loves is 17ft and she likes to do it herself.
We met Grandmama and Aunt Morgan for lunch at Wasabi for on of her favorite meals (second only to rice and beans at Camino). She was cracking us up b/c she named the Japanese statues Morgie and Grandmama (Morgan thought I put her up to it, but it was all on her own). They brought her icecream and sang to her...she loved it!!!
After lunch I took her to Gigi's Cupcakes and got half a dozen for dinner that night (used a Groupon I purchased earlier). We got to try lots of new flavors.
We got home in time to shower and get ready for birthday celebration #2. Aunt Tara got a quick Skype call in before we left. Sophie tried to read her new book from Dolly to her:)

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