On Monday night we (kinda more me than Chad) decided it was time we just go ahead and get her room ready for her to sleep in the "big girl bed." I started the process when he was at a PSF board meeting. The guest bedroom had lots of things that were not safe - bookshelf that was unsteady, mirrors just leaned up against the wall, pictures within reach and furniture that was not safe. Chad put it all in the upstairs bathroom just to get it cleared out and we moved the bed against the wall and put her bedding on it. So it still isn't finished but at least we got the bed together. I took her up to bed (following with a camera as she climbed up the stairs). What a milestone!! Of course I put her to bed, turned off the light and closed the door. She started crying and got out of bed (we had the monitor in there but could only see the bed...not what she was doing when she got out). I worried that she wouldn't be able to see to get back to the bed so I went to get her. She ended up sleeping in her crib that night.
She slept there the night before her birthday for the first time. She did come down in the middle of the night and was at our bed saying "hi Mama and hi Daddy" like it was morning. Kind of weird. We have had to lay with her until she goes to sleep. Of course we fall asleep too. Chad will wake me up to feed Sutton or I will wake him up when I am ready to go to bed. This is really cramping my style. There are a lot of things I can get done (like blogging) when she goes to sleep so this cuts out that time. I do enjoy the extra hour or two of sleep I get before having to get up during the night with Sutton. Hopefully we can break this habit soon.

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