Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Happy St. Patrick's Day and Brent's Birthday

Sophie and I went to Grandmama's for lunch (she had made spaghetti) since Karlee was there and we wanted to let the girls play. We ended up staying most of the afternoon.
That night we all met at Cathay to eat hibatchi and celebrate Brent's 23rd birthday.  We love Cathay!! It is just down the street from our house and they are always running coupons in the coupon mint. Right now they have a buy one get one free (which is an amazing deal). Here's a link to the coupon online
Just be sure to tell them about the coupon before they bring the check b/c we ran into a little confusion since they are already running a special for buy one get one half off (which is still a good deal). 
We had a great meal. Mom tried to feed Sophie the miso soup out of a straw (like that was normal). Sometimes I wonder about her! Morgan made Brent a cake, but somehow in the mess of trying to figure out the tickets we all got up from the table and didn't eat the cake. Brent took advantage of this and got away with the entire cake for himself (I was sad). 

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