Thursday, December 16, 2010

What Happened to December?

I went to the Dr. on Thursday (16th) to make sure I was recovering from the pneumonia after finishing another week of antibiotics. My lungs sounded clear, but it was too early to see a change in the chest xray so I don't do that again till after Christmas. Anyway, he was concerned about my cough so he gave me a cough syrup and told me to stay out of public places until Christmas. I told him I wanted to go to church and watch the Christmas program and he said I should just be careful.

Since I've been sick, we have missed celebrating Amber's birthday (9th) and Jennifer's (12th). Chad and Sophie were going to eat with Jennifer, but it came a snow and the roads were bad so that got cancelled. I have just been staying home and trying to recover. I have missed out on almost everything this month, but I know it could be a lot worse so I try not to get too upset. Anyway...I am feeling better so that is good. I can't believe Christmas is next week!!! Where did this month go???

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