Sophie and I met up with Jenny yesterday to hit a few boutique sales in Hendersonville. I bought Sutton two outfits and Sophie an adorable swim suit. Anyway, when we took the clothes upstairs I realized we really had to make room. We had been saving all Sophie's clothes in case we had a girl, but now we have got to get rid of a lot. We have some special outfits that we want to keep, but are going to try to keep it to a minimum. Most things she only wore one time...I can't believe how much we have! I don't know how I'm going to go about selling it all, but will come up with something soon. Mom is flipping out thinking that I'm selling anything and wants to make sure Katelyn or any future grandchildren would have it if it fits. I don't think she gets the whole size/season thing and how important it is in the first year especially. So if you are interested - Sophie was in 0-3 during Christmas/Winter months, 3-6 Spring, 6-9 Summer, 9 Fall and 12 Winter/Spring. Amber will obviously have first pick if anything works for Katelyn.
the amount of pink in that room is really staggering! And funny enough, Sophie has on blue.
You better not get rid of those clothes!! I hope to have Mary Carter one day that can wear all those pretty dresses!!Put them in storage!!
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